The turn of Chinese rivers: what a large-scale transformation of nature looks like in Chinese

Today, China's economic, scientific and technological potential is as high as ever, so the country is boldly undertaking the implementation of the most incredible projects. The turn of the Chinese rivers is another construction of the century in Chinese, which has already passed from the design stage to the implementation stage.

The northeastern part of China, where a significant number of the country's population lives, is in dire need of water resources. But in the southern part of the country, in the Yangtze River basin, these same resources abound, and even in abundance. For this reason, the idea was born of transferring part of the Yangtze runoff to the north-eastern part of China.

Yangtze River

It is interesting that initially the author of the idea of ​​turning Chinese rivers was Mao Zedong himself. But due to the scale of the project and the lengthy discussion process, “The Great Helmsman” never saw his project in action, and they started to implement it not so long ago.

The project for the transfer of Chinese rivers provides for the construction of three grand canals that will connect the country's largest rivers - the Yangtze and the Yellow River, as well as the Huaihe and Haihe rivers.

The project of channels through which the flow of southern rivers will be redirected

The project is planned to be completed by 2050, but the Chinese already have something to show the world, and, without a doubt, the project of transferring part of the runoff to the southern rivers is the largest such construction site on the globe.

Watch the video: ENG SUB. Like A Flowing River - EP 11 Wang Kai, Yang ShuoDong Zi Jian (May 2024).

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