Travelers from all over the world have chosen the best travel city in the world.

For example, the best city to travel in the world, for which thousands of tourists from all over the world have voted. They became an exotic, noisy and unique Bangkok (Thailand). It is worth noting that travelers call this city the best for the second year in a row.

The survey results say that this year Bangkok has met (and will meet) almost 20.2 million foreign tourists. In second place (also the second year in a row) is London. A little over 20 million foreigners are expected here.

Paris came in third with a projected 16.1 million international visitors. The fourth and fifth positions in Dubai and Singapore. In sixth place is magnificent New York.

Bangkok, of course, is not in vain holding the lead in this rating, because there really is something to see. In addition, do not worry about the cost of traveling to the capital of Thailand. Despite the frenzied tourist popularity, the city is not among the most expensive destinations. In this regard, the leader is luxury Dubai, where last year tourists left $ 28.5 billion.

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