Japan's weird and crazy mailboxes

Japan is a mysterious country, and sometimes it is difficult for foreigners to understand its customs. Here, for example, such a simple thing as a mailbox - after all, few people would think of giving great importance to its form, right? But the Japanese will not agree with you. For them it is a whole culture!

Kinen post - that's what the mailbox culture is called here, which originated with the Japanese relatively recently (in the early 50s) and captured the whole country. The first decoration of the box was an angel playing the trumpet. A similar decoration was dedicated to the anniversary of entry into the Universal Postal Union.

Now, the occasion can be an ordinary anniversary, a desire to show local attractions or simply indicate the location.

The Kinen post has become so firmly rooted in Japanese culture that some tourists even specifically include especially interesting boxes in their routes.

Let's look at them in more detail:

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