Arizona residents share pictures on the network about how everything around is “melting” due to the heat

The temperature in Phoenix (Arizona) almost reached a record 50 ° C, which was recorded on June 26, 1990. Avoiding insane heat is becoming increasingly difficult for people. Airlines cancel flights, and everything around me is literally melting before our eyes under the scorching sun. A few days ago, residents of the state had to deal with 47-degree air and 76 degrees of heat on the asphalt. To illustrate how hard it is for the locals, we will show you the photos that the Americans themselves put online. And when they say that the objects around are "melting", then this is so!

Almost like in a stove

This is a fencing made of plastic, "under the stone." It is melting.

Don’t complain, just put on your mittens!

In Phoenix, even street signs melt.

The plastic mailbox melted from the heat.

Dogs walk on the asphalt, like in a frying pan. We have to somehow save their paws.

You can bake cookies in the car.

Arizona on the temperature map.

In Arizona, it’s so hot that even the cactus has “melted”.

Due to the heat, airplanes cannot fly into the sky.

Watch the video: Climate and Evolution:Charles Kennel:The Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Retreat on Contemporary Climate. (May 2024).

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