Dog meat finally banned from eating at the infamous festival in China

How nice to talk about this huge victory for animal lovers around the world. The other day, they secured a temporary ban on dog meat at the infamous Yulinsky Festival in China, which has already claimed the lives of many thousands of innocent animals. The ban will enter into force on June 15, a week before the festival. It extends to the sale of dog meat in restaurants, markets, and from the hands of street vendors. Violators will be subject to arrest and a fine of $ 15,000.

Contrary to popular belief, this festival is not an old tradition. It appeared in 2010, when dog meat traders decided in this way to earn more money. Many dogs that got to this event were stolen from the owners, they did not even remove their collars. The methods that were used to kill dogs and cats at this terrible celebration, are unparalleled in cruelty.

“Even if it's a temporary ban, we hope it will have a domino effect, leading to the collapse of the dog meat trade,” says Andrea Gun, executive director of Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project.

Watch the video: China Wants To Finally Ban Eating Cats And Dogs (May 2024).

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