What teenagers from 23 countries looked like 100 years ago

Each generation, reaching a certain age, begins to resent modern teens, their manner of holding and dressing, their make-up and hairstyles, their lifestyle and looks. It always seems to us that we certainly were not. And someday it will seem to them that they were more restrained and well-mannered than the next generation. Because of this cycle, it is especially interesting today to look at what teenagers from different parts of our huge planet really were in the not so distant past, at the beginning of the 20th century. Of course, we won’t be able to judge from the photographs what kind of people they were, but still we will see a lot of interesting things.


Such photographs were a popular subject for postcards.


The sisters of Gertrude and Ursula Falke are pictured on the left.

Nepal and China


Left: a schoolgirl from Kensington (London), accidentally falling into the photographer’s lens.

Right: A group of children and teenagers heading to Lake Serpentine in Hyde Park to go fishing.

Scotland and Ireland

The photo on the right is one of the very first color photos of Ireland, taken around 1913. It depicts a 14-year-old girl in traditional dress.

Romania and Albania

The photo on the right shows two Albanian girls 13-14 years old. One of them (the one on the left) in the future will become known as Mother Teresa.


Left: Maiko girls (future geishas) are resting on the balcony.

Right: Pupils of the Fukuoka school - it was there that the famous "sailor" school uniform first appeared to everyone.

Argentina and Mexico

The serious girl in the photo on the right is 13-year-old Frida Kahlo.


Left: Infanta Maria Cristina and Beatrice.

Right: 16-year-old Federico Garcia Lorca.

Poland and Estonia

The Estonian schoolgirls in the photo on the right seem to imitate the movie “Roaring Twenties”, trying to look “cool” like an adult.

Greece and Cyprus

Left: young Greek partisan Konstantinos Murikis.

Right: Maria Cristodulu School.


Austria and Luxembourg

Left: Prince Ernst von Hohenberg, one of the four children of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Right: Princess Anthony of Luxembourg.


Australia and New Zealand


Left: 16-year-old Walt Disney.

Right: Oy-bi of the Kiowa.


Brother and sister: Prince Leopold and Princess Maria Jose of Belgium.


Sweden and Finland

The photo on the left shows Princess Ingrid of Sweden.



In the photo on the right is young Rene Lacoste, future tennis player and founder of the clothing brand Lacoste.



Watch the video: 70 People Ages 5-75 Answer: Advice For Someone Younger? Glamour (May 2024).

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