20 facts about China that cause shock

China is one of those countries that will probably never cease to amaze the whole world around it. Much of the lifestyle, traditions and customs of this nation is perplexing or misunderstanding, but there are also things that are truly shocking! We have compiled the 20 most unusual and unexplained facts about this country and its inhabitants, which amaze to the core.

Millions of Chinese live in caves

In the province, 30 million Chinese live in caves. Many cave houses have been inherited for many generations, while others are rented out for $ 30 a month. When put up for sale, the price can reach $ 45,000. All cave houses are not alike - some are better, others worse. Not all houses are equipped with electricity and running water. Thanks to the natural energy, they are cool in summer and warm in winter. Even Chinese leader Xi Jinping once lived in a cave house.

Thousands of executions

In China, criminals are often executed; there are also mobile vans for executing in prisons. The exact number of those sentenced to death is unknown, since this is classified statistics, but it is believed that their number in 2015 amounted to several thousand - this is several times more than in all countries of the world together. Most likely, this is due to the number of people living in the whole country. Drug dealers, corrupt officials, and those accused of adultery were sentenced to death. Basically, the sentence is executed by lethal injection.


In many cities of China without a mask, walking around the streets is uncomfortable. Many Chinese people do not go outside without masks. Many people wear a mask as a prophylactic against infectious diseases, but mainly because breathing polluted air is very harmful. The harm from a pack of cigarettes smoked on the day is tantamount to the harm of walking through the streets of Beijing without a mask. Smog, like the Great Wall of China, is visible from space. In China, problems are not only with air, but also with water - 90% of all drinking water in China is polluted!

The longest traffic jams

A huge number of people live in China, which means that a huge number of cars drive on Chinese roads. In August 2010, in Beijing, on the highway towards Tibet, the world's largest traffic jam was formed. Its length was 100 km and it lasted for 10 days. In China, you can quickly get on a motorcycle for which a separate lane is allocated. There is even a separate part of the sidewalk for smartphone users so that they do not create traffic jams among pedestrians.

There is a goose police in China

China spends $ 200 billion per year on the army, while in the US $ 600 billion. When training the military, they use old methods, including the old uniform. Until now, the military has been sewing white collars to the tunic. In addition, in the neck of the tunic there are special pins that pierce the neck and prevent the soldier from falling asleep at the post. In addition to dogs, geese serve in the army and patrol the territory. The Chinese army also has pigeon troops, which number more than 10,000 carrier pigeons. All this will come to the rescue if high technologies fail.

Outlaw reincarnation

China occupied Tibet in 1950 and continues to eradicate Tibetan culture. Communist leaders have banned believing in the reincarnation of Tibetan monks and talking about this phenomenon. After filming the movie "7 Years in Tibet" in Tibet, Bred Pitt was banned from entering China for 15 years. In addition to the ban on reincarnation, a law has been introduced in China that forces members of their family to be over 60 to visit.

Bridesmaids for rent

At online stores, you can rent a cheap Chinese wedding outfit. The original dress can be purchased here for $ 150. To him in the kit you can pick up bridesmaids for $ 30 per week.

There are more Christians in China than in Europe

There are more Christians in the country than in Europe and the USA. 10% of Chinese consider themselves state religion, and 6% consider themselves to be atheists. Other Chinese people practice religions such as Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam.

Degree in Bra Sciences

No one will think that you can get a Ph.D. in bra disciplines. At the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, you can get a degree in matters related to the export of textile products, since China is the largest exporter in the world. In China, there are entire cities that specialize in the production of socks or bras.

Birth control

From 1980 to 2015, there was a law that allowed a family to have one child. Given the aging of the nation and due to economic prospects, it was later allowed to give birth to two children. Many Chinese families try to give birth to boys more often than girls. More than 9 million abortions are performed in China annually; over 35 years, 400 million abortions have been recorded here. Until now, the Chinese should receive official permission to have a baby.

Time zones

The territory of China is similar to the territory of the United States. The difference is that China is in 5 time zones, but one is officially adopted. It is very convenient for travelers. It is inconvenient for the residents themselves, since the sun rises and sets in different zones in different ways, and the time on the watch is the same. There are provinces where the sun has not yet risen, and the clock is already 10 in the morning.

Boil eggs in urine

Every year, 20 million trees are destroyed in the country to make 45 billion sticks that the Chinese eat. First of all, it should be noted that normal food is also eaten in China. More than half of the world's pig population goes to cooking here. You can try not only pork, but also eggs boiled in the urine of innocent boys and men. This is considered a delicacy. The Chinese also eat large cockroaches, mice, duck embryos.

Decorative color of dogs

Dogs in China are not only eaten. Hundreds of dogs in China are painted with a tiger, zebra, panda and rainbow. In some, the wool is colored with abstract patterns; in others, large eyebrows and mustaches flaunt on the faces. In 2013, a mastiff decorated with a lion was shown at the zoo and deceived visitors for several days. Cats escaped this fate.

Degrading attitude to women

Due to the limited birth rate and the Chinese passion for giving birth to boys (as continuers), the attitude towards girls and women in China leaves much to be desired. For every 100 women in China, 143 are men. Women have become the object of control and ownership, and their professional affiliation is disputed and ridiculed in male society. Despite globalization and world feminism, attitudes toward women have not improved in China. Before marriage, a girl must preserve her virginity, even if she is already far beyond 25. If her virginity is lost, then it is imperative to have an operation that costs more than $ 700.

Construction growth

If a huge number of people live in the country, then a lot of housing is needed, but in China they overdid it. In three years, from 2011 to 2013, more residential buildings were built in the country than in the United States for the entire 20th century. Every five years, new skyscrapers appear - and so for the past 70 years. There are 15 megacities in China. Each has more than 10 million people. 64 million homes are empty in China, including entire cities.

Threatening growth of newborn pathologies

In China, every 30 seconds, one child with a defect is born. Annually, the number of newborns with pathologies totals 900,000 children, which makes up 20% of the population. This is very sad, but not surprising in connection with the catastrophic pollution of air and water with chemicals. In addition, you need to pay attention to the diet.

Gamers undergo forced rehabilitation

Communist China has banned people from using Facebook and Twitter. Due to the fact that the country's population is becoming dependent on cyberspace, game consoles are banned in China. Camps have been built across the country where gamers undergo physical rehabilitation. Project participants undergo an intensive physical training course, wear a uniform and sleep behind bars. Despite the ban and blocking of many sites, 95 million Chinese people still use social networks.

China is the king of fakes

In China, they produce almost everything that they produce in different countries of the world. The Chinese government is struggling with fakes, but their number is not decreasing. In 2011, 13,000 factories were closed and 3,000 arrested. 67% of all world fakes are made here, and it will never stop, since this business brings $ 250 billion annually.

Buying a place in jail

Every year, 600,000 people die from exhausting labor in China. Suicide rates are also high. If some rich man does not want to go to jail, he can pay, and someone will serve him. It all starts from the moment of the court session, when another person appears instead of the real criminal, and the authorities turn a blind eye to this. If the rich man went to jail, then there is another way. If the prisoner creates a highly technological invention, then the term can be reduced. This is also a corruption scheme, since the invention could be done in the wild, and relatives of the prisoner should be acquired and given out as his invention.

Annual Dog Meat Festival

In the summer, on the solstice, a dog meat festival takes place in China, where they sell and eat dishes from 10-15 thousand dogs. In addition, 4 million cats eat here annually.

Watch the video: 25 TRUE FACTS THAT WILL SHOCK YOU (May 2024).

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