In the UAE can build an artificial mountain that stimulates the formation of rainfall

Even in the cool winter period, the air temperature in the UAE only drops below + 20ºС at night. Exhausting heat and sandstorms are constant companions of local residents, and precipitation falls in small quantities in the form of short-term showers. But the country's leadership is considering options for solving this problem, including such unbelievable ones as the construction of an artificial mountain.

The idea of ​​building a barrier on the way of the air masses was announced 3 years ago. Despite the fact that the air in the Gulf is quite humid, this does not lead to heavy rainfall. Air masses do not encounter natural barriers, and where it does occur, the amount of precipitation is very scarce. If you build a high barrier in the path of movement of moisture-saturated air, when it rises, the moisture will condense and fall to the ground in the form of precipitation.

While the project is in the preliminary development stage and it is possible that it will eventually have to be abandoned due to the large budget or technical difficulties.

Watch the video: The Artificial Rain for farmers. Full HD (May 2024).

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