Legends of the beautiful island of Guyola, about which Italians are even afraid to talk

The rocky island of Guyola, it would seem, is a wonderful and picturesque place near Cape Posillipo (Italy) in the Gulf of Naples. In fact, these are two whole islands interconnected by a stone bridge, like two lovers stretching out each other's arms. However, the story of Guyola is not so romantic, because of which the locals do not want to live there, or even get close to it. Let’s figure out what is the reason.

Initially, the island was part of the cape, but as a result of the earthquake separated. Guyola is indented with small caves and crevices. Here stands a large house, which today is completely abandoned. As soon as the island was called the damned, no one else wanted to live on it. It all began at the beginning of the 19th century, when tragic events began to take place here one after the other: everyone who settled on the island was awaited by terrible misfortunes or death. There were so many victims that the notoriety about this place instantly scattered across the country and began to be passed down from generation to generation, leaving Guyola forever alone.

However, tourists are not afraid of local legends. They regularly come here to enjoy the beauties or go diving. Today, the territory of the island is protected, and around it was organized a marine reserve, which is called the "Underwater Archaeological Park off the Island of Gaola."

Watch the video: Q & A (May 2024).

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