The jaco parrot is the smartest talker among all the parrots on the planet.

Some species of parrots can talk, but this is not always a thoughtless imitation of what they hear, as many believe. Zhako parrots are in many ways superior to their talking relatives, and above all in the ability to meaningful dialogue. Jacques are not in vain considered the most intelligent parrots, because they are able not only to learn a few dozen words, but also to use them meaningfully.

The jaco parrot, or gray parrot, is found in the wild in the equatorial and tropical forests of West Africa. The species is subdivided into two subspecies, which differ slightly in color of feathers and beak: the red-tailed jaco, which lives in the equator, and the brown-tailed jaco, which lives south, in the forests of Angola and Tanzania.

Red-Tailed Jaco (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) Brown-tailed Jacques (Psittacus erithacus timneh)

Of course, Alex was an outstanding parrot who underwent special training under the supervision of scientists, but the rest of the jacquards, with whom they begin to practice from an early age, are able to surprise with their conversational abilities. Today, these parrots are bred in numerous nurseries around the world, and they are very popular as pets.

Watch the video: Smartest most conversational parrot ever. Petra the home automation expert, african grey (May 2024).

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