Liliputs from Africa: how the smallest people on the planet live

In equatorial Africa, there are many nationalities that could be called Lilliputians. All of them belong to the pygmies. The record-holders among "people the size of a fist", the word "pygmies" is translated exactly that, can be called the Mbuti tribe, whose growth usually reaches a maximum of 135 centimeters. Perhaps among them, any of us will feel like a real giant.

The culture of this people is original and very interesting, and the structure of their society has nothing to do with the familiar models. They get food by hunting and gathering, and their whole life goes in complete harmony with nature. For example, Mbuti are extremely careful about natural resources and will never take more from the forest than they need to survive. Therefore, they are very sensitive to deforestation or poaching. Even all their magical rituals are associated with the forest. For example, babies born are bathed in forest water, and men who go hunting are escorted by amulets from bark and woven vines.

Despite the fact that these pygmies live in large groups from many families, they do not have leaders. Here everyone is equal and everyone fulfills his duties depending on gender and age. Mbuti do not have a specific place of residence, they are in constant motion, which is why they do not spend much time building some solid dwelling, but prefer huts made of leaves and tree branches.

Watch the video: Ancient Little People Found? (May 2024).

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