Discovered a new species of the smallest monkeys in the world

The dwarf marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world weighing only 100 grams, which feeds on insects. These cutest babies were discovered by German naturalist Johann Spiks in 1823. However, only now, scientists have found that in fact these creatures have two varieties, and not one.

So, the habitat of one of them is the north-west of South America, and the other is the area south of the Amazon.

Researchers proved the split of the species using genomic and phylogenetic methods. It turns out that the species was divided into two branches 2 or 3 million years ago. Thus, the problem of the small number of unusual creatures the size of a tomato arose even more acute, because the new discovery, in fact, reduced the population by half.

According to the professor of Salford University, Jean Bubli, whose team received the new data, a similar confusion in the taxonomy occurred, since initially the discoverer of the dwarf marmoset Johann Speaks did not indicate in his records the exact location of the species.

To more accurately determine the habitat of these animals, and possibly to calculate even more species, scientists at Salford University will continue their research further. In the meantime, both species are listed in the Red Book.

We will admire magnificent monkeys longer:

Watch the video: Animal Planet Rare Monkey Species Discovered in Eastern Himalayas (May 2024).

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