Chinese diploma, or how to teach mathematics in different countries of the world

Mathematics, along with the native language, is a basic subject in all schools of the world without exception. This is not surprising, because without knowledge of the fundamentals of this science it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. But our usual math education program may look completely different in other countries of the world. Of course, the fundamental foundations of this science are unshakable, no matter what system you study, but here are some of the nuances, for example, methods of multiplying numbers or division in some countries of the world, in many ways differ from those we are used to.

It turns out that in order to multiply two-digit and even three-digit numbers, it is not at all necessary to know the multiplication table and be able to do calculations in a column. Take a look, for example, on how Japanese and Chinese schoolchildren are taught to multiply.

Or here's another good example showing how to multiply numbers in a similar way:

And here is another option where the division is shown, as well as the action with fractional numbers. When you watch this video of a teacher from the USA, it becomes clear why a lot of children of immigrants from Russia seem unusual in American schools.

Watch the video: How to get an International School Teaching Job - Part 1 - Minimum Requirements and Types of Schools (May 2024).

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