10 photos of drunk Japanese by Lee Chapman, which are confusing

In Japan, one of the lowest crime rates in the world and the highest life expectancy is undeniable facts, but the existence of the Japanese is not at all cloudless. As you can see in the following photos, this people knows what it means to sort out at a party, sometimes even too good!

These pictures were taken by Lee Chapman, a British photographer from Manchester and founder of the Tokyo Times, who in 1998 came to Tokyo "for a year or two" and stayed here to live. His shots shed light on such nuances of life of the Japanese, which few people know and talk about in the context of the Japanese lifestyle. We are used to images of colorful cosplay in a neon wonderland, but photos of drunk people lying on the streets in broad daylight or desecrating potted plants take us to a completely different world.

Watch the video: 20+ Weird pictures make you more confusing (May 2024).

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