15 photos about how young people lived and had fun in the USSR

Today, the youth life in our view is students, fun adventures, parties, travel, going to concerts and festivals, an active search for yourself and your calling. But what was invested in this concept during the Soviet Union? How then did the youth live and have fun? Our today's selection of photographs taken by the most famous photographers of the USSR will tell about this.

Students, Komsomol members, sportswomen and just beautiful women. USSR, 1967. Author of the photo: Sadovnikov Yuri Nikolaevich

Tractor drivers in the USSR were revered people. USSR, 1967. Author of the photo: Dmitry Baltermants

At the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy. USSR, 1967. Author of the photo: Lagrange Vladimir Rufinovich

Festive evening. USSR, 1965. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Youth dancing. USSR, 1967. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Jazz saxophonist. USSR, 1969. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Girls from the Akulinin construction team who took part in the construction of Moskovsky Prospekt in 1965

Pioneer leader during a gala performance. USSR, 1965. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Future astronauts. USSR, 1965. Author of the photo: Lagrange Vladimir Rufinovich

The beginning of the passage of sports tourist travel. USSR, 1964. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

"Day of the great holiday of workers of the whole world", USSR, 1964. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Graduates from the GUM. USSR, 1964. Author of the photo: Akhlomov Viktor Vasilievich

Solemn reception in the Komsomol. USSR, 1969. Author of the photo: Tarasevich Vsevolod Sergeevich

Young cyclists. USSR, 1960s. Photographer: Yu. S. Budakov

Preparation for the exam in a student dormitory of Moscow State University. USSR, 1963. Author of the photo: Lagrange Vladimir Rufinovich

Watch the video: Life in the USSR photo (April 2024).

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