Tenerife for life lovers

The traditions, festivals, cuisine and hospitality of the locals make the island of Tenerife truly special.

Romerias, which means festivities, is the best example of Canarian culture. They are held from March to September, participants always dress in traditional costumes, walk around the city with dancing and music, and also prepare all kinds of Canarian dishes: potatoes with moss sauce, meat and fish delicacies and, of course, Canarian wine. The three most famous cities where Romerias are held are: Tegeste, San Benito (La Laguna) or San Roque (Garachico).

The calendar of events is filled with many religious holidays, one of which, Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is especially magnificent in La Laguna. For the celebration of Corpus Christi, it is better to go to the city of La Orotava, because it is here, on the main square, from the volcanic sand of different colors that "paint" pictures with the image of Jesus. Other important events are various celebrations in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria, the patroness of the Canary Islands, as well as the opening of wineries. To try the new wine, there is no better place than Icod de las Vinos. This drink gave a name to the city and flaunts on its coat of arms.

But there is one very special holiday on the island - the carnival, which takes place in February, transforming Tenerife and its inhabitants. It is an international celebration, one of the largest in Europe, and is held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. And then, within a month, in smaller cities they organize their local carnivals, but no less interesting. The only recommendation when visiting: do not forget your carnival costume!

In 2019, preparations for the carnival will start on February 1, but the most interesting will begin on February 27, when the queen of the festival is chosen.

The carnival in Tenerife always has a theme, and every year it is different. It is she who determines what the costumes of the participants, jewelry, catwalks, music and much, much more will be. The theme of 2018 was "Fantasy and Puppet Toys", of the past - "Caribbean".

The carnival in the capital of Tenerife lasts about two weeks. All this time, the streets of the city are filled with lush feathers, glitter of tinsel, flowers and fireworks. Music, funny dances and street performers do not stop day or night.

The carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife takes place in several stages: the election of the queen of the carnival, the first procession or the “proclaiming cavalcade”, the main carnival procession, or a costume parade accompanied by the orchestra, and the end of the carnival, which is symbolized by the comic “funeral sardine”. Despite its name, this is a very funny tradition, reminiscent of the end of “Shrovetide”: a large sardine from papier-mâché is transported along the streets of the city accompanied by a “weeping” procession, and then burned in the central square and say goodbye to the spirit of the holiday ... until next year .

After the completion of the carnival program in the capital, in other cities of the island of Tenerife, their own carnivals begin, which are in no way inferior in brightness of colors and cheerfulness to the main festival. Therefore, if it was not possible to get to the carnival in Santa Cruz, tourists have a whole month to catch a holiday in Puerto de la Cruz, Tacoront, Santiago del Teide, other municipalities and major cities of the island.

Other events and holidays in Tenerife

A variety of cultural events are an integral part of the life of the islanders. In Tenerife there are Leal theaters in La Laguna and Gimera in Santa Cruz, concerts are held in one of the most recognizable buildings in Spain - Auditorio de Tenerife (designed by architect Santiago Calatrava) or in Tenerife Espasio de las Artes ( TEA), which is worth seeing at least because of its unique appearance. Also in Santa Cruz are the Museum of Nature and Man, the Museum of Science and Space (which is also interactive) and the Military Museum.

Locals are very fond of gastronomic festivals. For example, in September they celebrate the collection of almonds, in November - the month of chestnuts, a fair of Canary wines, cheeses and sweets, as well as a large winemaking festival held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. April is the month of wine in Tegest.

Wine road

A unique wine is produced in Tenerife, so one of the most striking gastronomic experiences can be a trip along the "wine road". You should start your trip through the vineyards with the municipality of San Cristobal de la Laguna and the city of Tegeste.

The local red wines are soft and light, and the white ones are aromatic, complex, but very refreshing. The next stop should be Valle Guerra with many wineries and establishments with traditional local cuisine. It serves excellent village wines made in the traditional way.

Very close is Tacoronte. This wine region is among the top five in Tenerife, so it's worth staying here. In the municipality of Santa Ursula, you can please yourself not only with excellent Canarian cuisine, but also with excellent wines from local wineries.

Have a holiday in Tenerife, in the best place for connoisseurs of life!

Watch the video: North Tenerife - Best Things to do in Tenerife for lovers of nature, adventure, culture and history (September 2024).

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