Foreigners overrun Russia - what to do and how to survive?

Thanks to the Championship: Moscow was so trimmed that it was finally liked by the guests who came in large numbers. And this is important not for them, but primarily for us. Explain why?

In the coming month, up to 2 million foreign tourists will visit Russia. In comparison, usually three (million) come in a whole year. They are already here on our streets, take a look back.

These Portuguese traveled all over Europe to be in Russia! The country canceled entry visas for football fans and opened borders.

This guy even came by bicycle from Argentina (!!!) to see Moscow, St. Petersburg and Saransk!

In fact, the dude has been traveling for 5 years, clocked up 80 thousand kilometers and visited 37 countries. I saw him on Mokhovaya street, near the Moscow Hotel. The Argentinean signed autographs and posed for a selfie, a crowd of passers-by gathered around him as if in front of them was at least Lionel Messi.

And it seems they really like it here!

Egyptian fans.

And these guys seem to have won their Cup! And met cool Russian grandmothers!

I looked at Moscow through the eyes of a foreigner - the city looks amazing! He took off his glasses, critically looked like an eternally displeased Muscovite - still cool. The center looks not just not shameful (compared to what it was 10 years ago), but really very worthy. And it’s especially nice that this is not a “Potemkin village” for guests, and when they leave, nothing will change and restaurants with pedestrian streets will not turn into a pumpkin.

It's nice that foreigners like Russia. But it is much more important that Russians like foreigners! What is happening in Moscow these days is simply unbelievable! Crowds of cheerful people from all over the world run around the streets, shout, hug, take pictures with each other! Okay fans, they’re used to it. But smiling fellow citizens come up to them from all sides and ask to take a photo or just shake hands. And not only young people whom foreigners can’t surprise, but elderly people and usually harsh, gloomy middle-aged men.

Football itself doesn’t matter to me, but I’m in favor with all hands for this championship, and in general any major international event in Russia: firstly, those who will come to us and be satisfied, then for many years will warmly remember and talk about our country and time spent here, and secondly, our people (85% of whom, according to rumors, have never had a passport) have the opportunity to lively see those about whom they are told only on television. I am glad that my country receives so many guests: only through personal communication can we finally overcome the fear of foreigners, and at the same time, eternal frivolities.

On June 12, 1990, the state sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted, exactly one year later the first presidential election was held, where Boris Yeltsin won. The country has taken a new path, instead of the Iron Curtain and suspicion of any stranger - openness to the whole world. Jeans and chewing gum have ceased to be forbidden and scarce, they began to be sold everywhere, even in the GUM and in the pavilions of VDNH. Although today's youth (I say "old man"), fortunately, the word "deficit" is not at all familiar.

It was nice to see the “original” Russian flags - from 1991 to 1993 it had slightly different shades.

They allowed tickets to Red Square, but football fans broke through here: as I understand it, flyers were handed out to everyone, it was just necessary to find them.

So get ready, Russians, in the next month there is no end to foreigners, and you have a great opportunity to practice your English! Live communication is better than any language school, I say it!


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