Bad neighborhood: how a fish-rich lake became a dead pond in a few days

Kamchatka Peninsula is a real kingdom of wildlife. Here, in the crater of the volcano, which has long been considered extinct, Lake Karymskoe is located. In the crystal clear waters of a fresh lake, fish have been abundant not so long ago. But the unusual location led to fatal changes in the fate of the reservoir, when in just a few days it became unsuitable for life.

This lake is located in the caldera of the huge stratovolcano Academy of Sciences at an altitude of more than 600 meters. Water filled the bowl of the collapsed crater of the volcano and formed a large freshwater lake with an area of ​​10.7 square kilometers and a depth of about 70 meters. The ancient volcano has long been considered extinct, but in the vicinity of the reservoir there was another volcano - Karymskaya Sopka, which was considered active.

In the 70-80s of the last century, scientists settled the waters of Lake Karymsky with a freshwater form of sockeye salmon. Fish enjoyed a new habitat, and the sockeye salmon population thrived in favorable warm waters rich in a variety of microorganisms.

But the nature of Kamchatka is harsh and unpredictable. In January 1996, an increase in volcanic activity was observed in this area, which immediately led to two eruptions. The Stratovolcano Academy of Sciences, which was considered extinct, once again proved itself. As a result of an underwater eruption, waves up to 10 meters high were formed on the surface of the lake, and waves of steam and water were thrown into the air. The lake at that time was covered with ice, which instantly collapsed, and the temperature of the water in the reservoir rose to +28 degrees.

The tragic changes affected the living inhabitants. Today, no fish are found in the lake. All living things, except for the simplest microorganisms, died as a result of a series of powerful underground explosions caused by the eruption of a sleeping volcano. But Lake Karymskoye still fascinates with its pristine beauty. Not far from it rises the picturesque volcano Karymskaya Sopka, which is often active. The lake itself has the status of a natural monument and is a real decoration of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

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